Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 151


In the morning the strong south winds continued.

By 11:00 the sea was calmer and I launched. I passed a forest with a highway running through it, some beaches with old boats pulled up on them, and a marina under construction. The marina was in a natural harbor laying between an island and a gently curving shoreline. Some ten yachts of varying sizes sat moored and a jet ski zoomed between them. Swimmers laughed.
After three hours I arrived in Antalya's marina. Someone at the Finike marina had called ahead and told them to expect me.

I was welcomed like a king. I should feel free to use all of the marina's facilities including their pool. Could they treat me to dinner at the marina's restaurant? I could stay as long as I want and I should eat my meals at their expense in the cafeteria which has a large salad bar.

It was nice to feel welcome.

I walked for an hour and a half along a dirty highway without sidewalks and then through bleak commercial district streets to the Samsung store, where they could not fix my phone or sell me a waterproof camera. Antalya is a city of one million. There aren't enough trees and too many cars. I made it back just in time to buy some ice cream for my sabbath dinner and begin sweet rest.

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Nautical miles paddled: 9
Current location: 36.833182,30.607277

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