Thursday, August 13, 2015

Norway Post 37

Day 34

The weather was much the same as Day 30, except that the wind changed direction to be head on.

I pushed through the cold windy unhappiness towards the end of the peninsula. Once there I would turn north and a little east and likely have a tail wind. About a mile before that I found a nice marina with a shower and a living room, so I gave up exhausted having covered less than half of my intended route for the day.

I needed a break. It had been a long week. The next day, Friday, was my birthday. If I paddled north I might not end up anywhere for the Sabbath as nice as the marina I was in, so I took the day off.

A strong north wind in the afternoon meant I had probably chosen wisely. The sun lit the world and wild flowers perfumed the air. The mountains here are beautiful and one of them is sporting an enormous cave fairly high up. This is a great birthday!

On Sunday I'll hopefully cross into the Arctic circle, just three miles north of here, and on Monday I'll likely end my trip in Ornes. That only leaves me with two more days of paddling to find the plaque. But even if it doesn't turn up, the trip won't have been a failure. I've documented my route so future explorers will know where it's not. Also, I'm having a pretty great time looking for it and that has to count for something, right?

From Norway Aug 13 2015

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