Friday, June 20, 2014

Broken Phone

Beloved reader, my computer broke a few months ago and my smart phone yesterday.  Sadly, baring a substantial jump in contributions and a corresponding new piece of technology, my blogging will stagger or cease all together.  The good news is that I will keep a journal and my stories will likely be available in my upcoming book, tentatively named, The Theseus Kayak.

Thank you all for coming with me this far, go now and embrace life.


  1. Dang! We are gonna miss your blog posts and wonder where you are!

  2. NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

    If I find a $100 bill I will send it to you.

  3. Also I hope your journal doesn't get wet. Write in pencil??

  4. Er, thanks. I'm glad you've been enjoying the blog.

  5. so can you get an ipad or phone inexpensively, used in Turkey ?

  6. Hopefully I'll be in Cyprus by Monday.

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