Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 119


The tail wind grew stronger throughout the day.  Waves wooshed me along at fantastic speeds.  The sun made the world bright and hazy at the same time.

A fin emerged from the water ahead.  What was it?  Was it garbage?  Was it a diver’s flipper?  No diver would be out in this weather.  Could it have been a sacred dolphin?  I only saw the fin, if it was a dolphin I would have seen more.  Maybe it was a shark.  I looked around to see where the dolphin would next emerge.

A few moments later I saw it again in the same place.  It wasn’t a dolphin. 

Continuing forward at full speed I passed about 20 feet from it.  The agitation in the water made it hard to see.  It was probably garbage.  It was about 100 yards behind me when I decided to go back and investigate.  I turned into the wind and fought for every one of those yards.

For a moment, there were two parallel opposing fins angled away from each other emerging from the water a couple of meters apart.  Hovering just below the surface, sometimes slightly emerging, was an enormous sting ray.  A large eye opened for just a moment, only a few feet from me.

I held my position, difficult in the surf, and took care not to get any closer and risk collision.

The creature drifted slowly down and out of sight.

I surfed as many of the waives as I could and learned a new trick.  When my bow began to pearl I found that by dropping my torso weight onto my back deck I could pull out of it without losing the wave.  With my steering and forward strokes limited from the position, I sometimes lost the wave anyways.  But sometimes I held onto it, and I was really proud to have a new skill.

I paddled to Aigio, 18.5 miles, in four hours which was probably something of a record.  I’d been making great progress lately, and it was nice to have an easy day with a little bit of extra time to catch up on my writing.

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Current location: 38.261603,22.074267

1 comment:

  1. cool abandoned neo-classical building you photographed, what was it ?
