Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Current location:  Naples.


A couple more posts will follow.


  1. MAZAL TOV! KL HAKAVOD! HURRAH! you rock the hardest!!

  2. Dov, I've loved reading about your adventures over the past few months (I joined in November) and can't wait for the book.

  3. Mazel TOV! helluva a journey little brother, and i'm excited to see you not only made it in one piece (minus a few computers and cell phones), but that you learned lessons on the way.

    no doubt you're bursting with pride, and i cannot wait to hear your tales in person!

  4. So when are you planning on kayaking the other half? :)

    Waiting to see you when you get back in the country...
    (followed the whole way through and have been updating the people around me at the lab...)

  5. Wow. Mazel Tov! It's been a very impressive journey. We've been following your posts the entire time. Big changes since you kayaked on the Hudson last summer. Really proud of you!

  6. woooooooooohooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Congratulations. Good luck for your life. Marco

  8. Thanks! I think this is also one fo the only comments for which I have no idea who the author is. May there be many more.

  9. Looking forward to it. Everybody should have lots of brothers.

  10. The only thing I'm saying about the other half is "maybe". That their will be more expeditions, I am sure. What the next one will be? Why don't you let me get my kayak home first.

  11. Thanks, looking back it's been a long way. I never doubted that you guys were with me.

  12. Thanks, hopefully my brain isn't too sea scorched and I'll be able to get on with things.

  13. Dov - looks like I might get to Israel before you. We are enjoying the blog.
    Pat & the yprc gang

  14. I'm so pleased! Can't wait to paddle with you guys again next ime I'm around. Will you be in Israel soon? email me.

  15. finto!!!! Congrats though I will miss reading your blog!!!! Excellent writing! I really have enjoyed following your progress! Will you be back in the States soon or staying in Israel? If States side let's do some paddling!

  16. I don't know when I'll be in the states next. I'll be kind of low on funds for a while. I definately hope to kayak with you and other people from the YPRC next time I'm in America.
